14 Mart 2014 Cuma

Nuke My Device 1.7

Do you know that your personal information simply deleted from an old appliance can be retrieved ? When you're ready / a to exchange or recycle your phone, you must ensure that your personal information has been eradicated from the apparatus . Nuke My Device provides that security.

Size: 3.5 MB 
Android Requires : 2.2+

More Info on google play :

Nuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnailNuke My Device - screenshot thumbnail
Following the rules of the National Institute of Standards and Technology , Nuke My Device cleans your internal SD card where Android phones typically stored photos , downloads , documents, and other personal information . Then we eliminate the guesswork by asking you to reset the factory settings .

1. Download Nuke My Device.
Two . Start effacement .
Three . Wait.
April . Begins factory settings when indicated / a .
May . Get external SD card if your device has it, before recycling or exchange .

After completing the process of erasing , your information is virtually irretrievable.

Nuke My Device does not eradicate information from your external SD card, but okay , you can save money by using the SD card on your next device. If your device has an external SD card, make sure to remove it before recycling or exchange your phone.

Note: Some devices , particularly the elderly, may take several hours to complete the operation , so we recommend that you connect your phone to a power source for the duration of effacement .

• internal SD card secure delete
• Overwrite multipass safe to prevent the recovery of deleted files
• Reset to factory settings simplified


Q. My Device Nuke offers one secure wipe my personal information?
A. Yes, Nuke My Device makes a secure wipe your internal SD card to ensure your device has been successfully erased , leaving your information secure.

Q. What should I do with my old phone ?
Instead of leaving R. contribute to clutter in your home , you can recycle or exchange your product. Many recycling programs or restore old appliances discarded properly , protecting electronic information. You can also check the policy for exchanges provider , some providers will give you cash for your phone.

Q. Where I can recycle my phone?
A. Many organizations recycle unwanted mobile , while most electronic suppliers participate in an electronic recycling program .

Q. Where I can exchange or sell my old phone ?
R. Swap or sell your phone can win some money or extra credit for your purchase. We recommend that you ask your provider if you have a trade policy or to contact Amazon , Gazell or Sell Cell about getting cash for your old phone.

Q. Does My Device erasure Nuke distance ?
A. At this time , Nuke My Device does not offer remote erasure . However, we are considering this option for a future release.


Some Android phones have storage capacities of SD cards both internal and external applications but have limited access to external cards . Nuke My Device secure delete only deletes its internal SD card, you should make sure to get out your external SD card after doing a reset to factory settings.

The Android market is very fragmented , so we test on a wide selection of appliances to ensure that our applications are optimized for their needs. For ideas on how we can improve the customer experience , please contact us at support @ avengermobile .

For more information on the guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology on secure delete , checkhttp://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-88/NISTSP800-88_with-errata.pdf ( English )

What's New:
New features:
- Confirmation Email after successful deletion
- Translation in German
- Correction of technical errors

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