10 Mart 2014 Pazartesi

NaN Quadratic Function Pro 1.9

NaN Quadratic Function Pro (quadratic equation) to calculate

Size: 1.1 MB
Android Requires : 2.1+

More Info on Google Play:

NaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnailNaN Fonction Quadratique Pro - screenshot thumbnail

NaN Quadratic Function Pro (quadratic equation) to calculate:
- Discriminant of the quadratic equation
- roots
- Vertex of the parabola
- Cutting the Y axis
- Monotone (increasing and decreasing)
- Positive and negative values ​​(inequalities)

Quadratic Function NaN Pro offers all forms of quadratic function:
- Expanded form
- Canonical form
- Factored form

Additionally, the application allows you to use Cardano-Vieta relations. You can calculate:
- Sum of roots
- Product of roots
- The sum of the reciprocals of the roots
- Sum of the squares of the roots
- The sum of the reciprocals of the square roots
- The sum of square roots
- Square root difference

Tags: math, quadratic inequalities, Cardano-Viete Theorem, Quadratic equation, math, school, quadratic equation, quadratic inequality

Changes v. 1.9:
- Dutch translation
- minor fixes

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