10 Mart 2014 Pazartesi

Chart-it apk 1.0

Whether you want to track sales and expenses, measure differences between products, or track the productivity of a work team. Then Chart-it will become a valuable tool in your business management toolbox.

Size: 2.3 MB
Android Requires : 2.1+

More Info on Google Play:

Chart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnailChart-it - screenshot thumbnail
How? By giving you these simple yet powerful tools -

Measure-it: Create up to 5 key performance areas for your business then choose two criteria from each area for comparison. Information is displayed as bar graphs for quick graphic comparison. The data can be emailed back to the office for deeper analysis or to service providers for advice.

Report-It: Three bar graphs let you report actual outputs against budgets. Choose your own criteria such as Income, Expenses, Product Sales or create your own. Set goals and targets and enter the actuals as they become available daily, weekly or monthly or annually. You can email data to stakeholders, giving you straightforward, authoritative communication with no reports to write!

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